Two inputs one output audio
Two inputs one output audio

two inputs one output audio

This means that the sound can be captured, mixed, converted and transformed into a digital signal in the capture process. The process that occurs in half of the two paths is called mixing and conversion (from digital to analog or vice versa). The sound comes from the computer itself and comes out through the speakers. The output, on the other hand, goes the other way: the sound is generated by the processor, converted into analog sound and transmitted to a speaker, be it the driver for your headset or the auxiliary speakers of your computer. The sound comes from the speaker’s mouth and enters the device.

two inputs one output audio

Example: that of the microphone, either on dedicated audio cards or on your computer. To understand what is input and what is audio output, just imagine the following: where does the sound come from? If the signal is captured, amplified and processed by the computer in sequence, we have an input. P2 to P10 adapter: widely used in wired headphones, when you want to listen to music on a stereo or dedicated audio card (Image: Luciana Zaramela / FreeGameGuide) Audio input and output If any of your devices don't work with word clock, select the Drift Correction tickbox for any devices not designated as clock master.For example: if you have a headset with a P2 connector and want to plug it into an audio card that only has a P10 input, you will need a P2 to P10 adapter to enjoy your sound, as shown in the image below :.Refer to your audio device product documentation for specific details.

two inputs one output audio

Connect the cable from the device you designated as Clock Source to the input of each other device.

  • If your audio devices all work with word clock, connect them together using a word clock cable.
  • Choose the device with the most reliable clock.
  • To use the clock of a device as the master clock for all of the combined devices, choose the device from the Clock Source menu of the Aggregate Device.
  • The list on the right-hand side displays the currently connected audio devices and the number of input and output channels for each one. For example, the first box you ticked will be inputs one and two, the second box ticked will be three and four, and so on. The order in which you tick the boxes determines the order of the inputs and outputs in applications such as Logic Pro and MainStage. Do this for each device you want to include in the Aggregate Device.

    two inputs one output audio

  • With the new Aggregate Device selected, enable the tickbox labelled "Use" on the left-hand side of the Audio Devices window.
  • A new Aggregate Device will appear in the list on the left-hand side of the window.
  • Click the Add (+) button on the bottom left-hand corner in the Audio Devices window and choose Create Aggregate Device.
  • From the Finder, choose Go > Utilities.
  • When you create an Aggregate Device, make sure you connect all external audio interfaces first.

    Two inputs one output audio