Once there you will find Gaspard sleeping after waking him up and agreeing to protect him along the way to the hut, you will need to escort him and keep waking him up as he is suffering from narcolepsy. To find Gaspard you have to go to the lighthouse, then climb the ladder to the top. Once Geralt speaks to him he will decide to fly down to him, unfortunately he will make an "extreme emergency landing." Ivo will yell out to you when you get close enough while his is sitting on a rock arch. While searching for Ivo you will likely encounter some Harpies and/or Bilge Hags. Inside the hut are dwarves, however they will refuse to let Geralt in and he will have to find their friends Ivo, Gaspard and Fernec.

Soon you will reach a house and the firefly will stop, now knock on the door. Along the way you may encounter some Foglets so get rid of them. Eventually you will reach the shore so now you have to follow the firefly on foot. Eventually you will encounter some Ekhidna so use Hornwall horn to get rid of them, fight them or just ignore them. Just be sure not to crash your boat so take care, but keep following the firefly. After you get near your destination the game will ask if you wish to save it as this is a vital moment in the story, so you can agree or not and right after it will ask you if you are certain you wish to go, after you agree Geralt will release the Magic firefly and you are moved to the Isle of Mists.

Once you do you can fast travel with your boat to Undvik to make the trip shorter. If you are certain you are ready to go then go to Skellige and take one of the three marked boats on your minimap. It's best to pack a few Repair Kits before you do this quest, even if you won't need them for this quest you may need them for the quests that will follow and gear repairs will become limited for a while.