Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Revista del Instituto Egipcio de Estudios Islámicos, since 2011 Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Al-Qantara, since 2005 until 2018

Member of the Scientific Committee for Humanities at Science Europe since 2012 until December 2015 History of Slavery in the western Islamic World. Islamic Religiosity in al-Andalus (hadith transmission).

Since 2008, Scientific Researcher, Arabic and Islamic Studies, CSICĢ002-2006, Director of the Department of Arabic Studies, CSICġ999-2008, Research Fellow (tenured), Arabic and Islamic Studies, CSICġ996-99, Research Fellow, Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies, CSICġ994-96, Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of Tübingen, Germanyġ992-94, Research Doctoral Fellow, University of Tübingen, Germanyġ990-92, Research Associate in a Research Project, Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies, CSICġ988-89, Spanish Lecturer, University of Yarmouk, Jordan Since March 2011 until May 2012, Vice Director of the Institute of Languages and Cultures of the Mediterranean and the Near East Since 27th April 2012 until 17th August 2014 Scientific Coordinator of the Area of Humanities and Social Sciences at CSIC Since 18th August 2014 until 25th February 2015 Deputy Vice President of Internationalization at CSIC Since 26th February 2015 until September 2016 Deputy Vice President for Scientific and Technological Areas at CSIC (Spanish National Research Council) Since 14th April 2016 until 12th December 2017 Vice President for Science and Technology at CSIC (Spanish National Research Council) Heinz Halm (University of Tübingen, Germany) PhD, Universidad Complutense de Madrid – UCM, “” (1994). ISLAMIC STUDIES RESEARCH GROUP– ILC (CCHS, CSIC)